Functional Prints: Solar Light Peg

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LanOC Reviews published a review on the Functional Prints: Solar Light Peg

A quote from the article:
In the past year I have been having a blast with 3d printing in my free time. This past week I ran into a situation that printing helped me out and I thought I would take a few minutes to tell everyone about it. I was outside installing a new flag mount to our porch and moving our flag and when I went to move the cheap solar light that keeps the flag lit up at night I had trouble reinstalling it into the ground. The peg started making cracking noises and then broke. I didn't want to have to buy a new light and If I didn't keep our flag lit at night (I?m far too lazy to bring it in each day) it would be against the US flag code. So I brought a small piece of the broken peg inside to look at my options.
 Functional Prints: Solar Light Peg @ LanOC Reviews