Enable Gore In SoF2 SP Demo!

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Not enough gore in Soldier Of Fortune 2 singleplayer demo? Well 3DGpu.com have posted a nice little hack that will enable all the gore you can handle. Hit read more for your gore fix. Warrex posted in our comments on how to enable full gore in the singleplayer demo of Soldier Of Fortune 2:

On your shortcut, right click -> Properties -> add "+set lock_blood 0" to the target line.

When you start the game, pull down the console by pressing "shift" and "~".

Type "menu lock".

A new option on the bottom menu will be activated (it has a pic of a lock). Click on it. It will promt for a password, you can just press ok.

Turn on all of the gore and set a new password (or keep it blank).

Restart and play with gore.