DXVK 2.3.1 released

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A new software update is available: DXVK 2.3.1 released

DXVK 2.3.1 released

Philip Rebohle has announced the release of version 2.3.1 of DXVK. The new version will make use of extensions for VK_NV_raw_access_chains in order to enhance shader code generation on Nvidia GPUs. The goal of this update is to bring the performance of D3D11 games closer to that of Windows drivers in situations where the GPU is the only available option. For the time being, the extension is only supported on Vulkan beta drivers, and it is necessary to have Proton Experimental installed. Some of the games that have had their bugs fixed and improvements made include Shank 2, Flammable Freddy, and Blood Rayne. Other games that have had their problems fixed include invalid SPIR-V generation, undefined behavior, and HDR not being enabled.

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