DNSAgent 1.6.5781

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DNSAgent is a HOSTS replacement for advanced users who need more than the basic HOSTS file editing can accomplish.

DNSAgent is a HOSTS replacement for advanced users who need more than the basic HOSTS file editing can accomplish.DNSAgent is unique because it is executed from the command prompt, running completely independent of the HOST file itself. As you know, editing your HOSTS file is as simple as editing a text file. DNSAgent is a tad more difficult, but it can do much more.You can run it whenever you like, or use "Install as Service.bat" to run as a service or "Uninstall Service.bat" to remove it as a service. Included as well are options and rules config files. These must be edited in a text editor and are more complicated than editing the HOSTS file. Let's take a look at what you can expect.The options config is easy to understand, and looks like this:{ "HideOnStart": false, "ListenOn": ", [::1]", "DefaultNameServer": "", "UseHttpQuery": false, "QueryTimeout": 4000, "CompressionMutation": false, "CacheResponse": true, "CacheAge": 86400, "NetworkWhitelist": null}The rules config has a standard entry at the top to copy and paste followed by the rules. So, that looks like this: { "Pattern": "^(.*\.mydomain\.com)|((.*\.)?(yourdomain|hisdomain)\.com)$", "Address": "" }, { "Pattern": "^www\.google\.com\.hk$", "Address": "www.google.com", "NameServer": "", "CompressionMutation": true },Features: Use regular expressions to match the domain name. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. Support non-standard listening port (ports other than 53). It's possible to use DNSPod HTTP DNS protocol to query for A record. Return an immediate address (A/AAAA record) or redirect the query to a custom name server on pattern matched. Redirect one domain name to another, support regular expression matching and replacing. Local cache with custom TTL settings. Support source IP whitelist to filter unauthorized clients. Support compression pointer mutation when querying another name server. This may avoid MITM attack in some network environments.As you can see, DNSAgent is trickier to use than editing your HOSTS file but goes above and beyond anything the HOSTS file ever dreamed of doing. We found DNSAgent to be original, geeky and just plain cool.