DLL to EXE 1.1

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DLL to EXE is an Open Source, portable, Command Prompt utility that can convert any DLL to an EXE (executable).

DLL to EXE is an Open Source, portable, Command Prompt utility that can convert any DLL to an EXE (executable).

If you execute DLL to EXE without first being in the Command Prompt or Powershell, you will be shown the arguments required. Simply put, type in "dll_to_exe filename.dll filename.exe" where filename is replaced with the DLL file and the output executable name you want.

32-Bit and 64-Bit DLL are supported.

DLL to EXE is a pretty neat utility that's such a niche; we lack a file category for it. Regardless, if you need to convert DLL to EXE, it's fast and easy to use.
