DivX Pro 5.1.1 Beta 1 Released

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With DivX 5.1.1 Beta 1 we focused on squashing as many bugs as possible while at the same time incorporating the requested changes and improvements we received. With DivX 5.1 the majority of users agreed that DivX 5.1 was the best DivX Codec release *ever* in terms of "best quality", however it was at the sacrifice of some speed.
DivX 5.1.1 Beta 1 is 50% faster than DivX 5.1 and 12% faster than DivX 5.0.5. Click on Read More... to see what's new and a download link. Direct Download Link More information Home Page What's new in this version. Encoder fixes:
?Fast? Psychovisual mode is 80% faster than in 5.1 DivX 5.1.1 encoder is 50% faster than 5.1 (12% faster than 5.05) Slowest mode 50% faster than 5.1 Slow mode 50% faster than 5.1 Standard mode 50% faster than 5.1 Fastest mode 20% faster than 5.1 The Quality produced by "Fastest" has been significantly improved Decoder fixes:
Resolved a severe performance hit when using the Deringing mode in Postprocessing DirectShow filter property page had a cosmetic issue caused by using large fonts Avoids buffer overuns with extremly small picture sizes (less than 80x32) Fixed a bug caused by "Auto Post-processing" and SMP/HyperThreading CPUs. New Features:
Support for generic MP4 FourCC codes which can be enabled/disabled in the DirectShow configuration dialog box Changes:
Feedback mode can now be globally disabled when it?s running All frames are now displayed in the Feedback windows Cosmetic GUI changes have been made to avoid confusion when using MV reuse and specfic performance modes. Deinterlacing is back in the Standard codec Added bottom field first encoding Smoother DivX logo fade If you already own DivX Pro, a DivX Beta release will install over your existing DivX Pro version unless you install it to a different directory. (You may want to keep a copy of your officially released DivX Pro codec in case Beta Prototype releases on a 15-day trial, making it easy for everyone to help improve the codec. If we push out yet another beta release after your 15 day trial is up , we will create an additional 15-day trial so you can continue using the prototype version. The DivX Pro codec released on DivX Labs should be relatively stable. Remember, however, that these releases have a Beta or prototype release status so, uh?.you could possibly run into a few bugs from time to time.