Chatty 0.9

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Chatty is a Twitch chat client for anyone who prefers a dedicated desktop application.

Chatty is a Twitch chat client for anyone who prefers a dedicated desktop application.Features: Nick colors, emoticons, badges, chat info, stream status and viewer count display With FrankerFaceZ-Support (Emoticons & Custom Mod Icons) and BetterTTV emotes (no Personal Emotes though), including unified bot badge Get notified when channels you follow go live and view a list of live streams Follow and unfollow channels directly out of Chatty Set your stream title/game/communities (using presets/favorites) and run commercials Add the current stream time to a file via hotkey or mod command to assist in making Stream Highlights Choose your font, customize colors, timestamp, how bans are shown, joins/parts and more Customize user-colors based on user-type (mod, sub, turbo..), specific usernames or colors (replace colors) Customize user icons (badges), replace default ones or add your own for specific users Disable specific emotes, replace emotes with your own locally, change scaling all emotes in chat or the Emote Dialog Create custom commands and add them to context menus or the user dialog Add or remove regular, app-wide or global hotkeys according to your needs Extensive settings dialog to adjust the features to your needs