BBCeditor 1.1.35

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BBCeditor is an easy to use editor for BBcode which allows you to create a collection of posts for website forums.

BBCeditor is an easy to use editor for BBcode which allows you to create a collection of posts for website forums.


Snippets feature - allows to quickly insert favorite phrases on Ctrl+Space;
live preview - texts can be automatically shown as they will be seen in your web browser;
SpellChecker - keeps you safe from spelling errors;
tags wizards - insert your tables, lists and images easily;
advanced drag-n-drop handling - define how text files should be treated (i.e. CSV as tables);
shortcuts and menus - context menus and shortcuts allow you to format your code in more efficiently;
custom toolbar size - user's icons themes support;
custom buttons - define your tags and create toolbar buttons for them;
preview schemes - Preview control uses the styles.css file located in application's directory so you can change its content easily;
two parsing engines - choose whichever you want;
documents preview in Open file dialogue;
CSS style chooser;
Inline mode for easier editing;
