AVS Photo Editor 3.0.3

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With AVS Photo Editor you can easily adjust the size, zoom, change and refine colors, sharpen and utilize various built-in effects on your photo images.

With AVS Photo Editor you can easily adjust the size, zoom, change and refine colors, sharpen and utilize various built-in effects on your photo images. You are greeted with a modern UI that isn't overly cluttered making it a perfect choice for anyone wanting to quickly improve the quality of an image. Easily edit photos without any noticeable quality loss including color modifications, shades, and tints to render a completely changed picture style. You can also fix minor photo imperfections like red-eye removal, color balance adjustments through brightness, contrast, and saturation. AVS Photo Editor supports the ability to open and easily edit formats including JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, GIF, etc. Additionally, it provides you with a nice group of effects to apply to your images through some default templates that can add fading for that vintage look, black and white rendering, etc.