Audioengine B2 Bluetooth Speaker Review

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APH Networks checked out the Audioengine B2 Bluetooth Speaker

A quote from the article:
I do not remember a whole lot of things my teachers have said when I was in elementary school. However, if there was one thing that stuck in my head for many years, it would have been something my Grade 6 teacher discussed in class. "Another teacher caught a student reading a novel behind their math textbook during math class, and gave him a zero," he explained. "If I were him, I would give him an 'A'. After all, he is reading!" When I first heard this, I knew something was wrong with this statement. However, I could not explain why I so vehemently disagreed with him until almost a decade later. Reading a novel is not wrong. However, reading a novel when you are supposed to be learning about math is wrong. Clearly, my teacher failed to understand just because you think you are doing the right thing, does not necessarily imply it is always the right time (I mean, try doing that at work, haha). A little under a year ago, I took a look at the Audioengine A2+ powered desktop speakers. To make a long story short, I remarked that "the Audioengine A2+ simply rocks in sound quality." Now, if you have been following APH Networks for quite a while, you will know a comment like this regarding audio products do not appear often on this website. Being as logical as Audioengine should be, they recently released a new product called the B2. The Audioengine B2 is essentially a pair of Audioengine A2+ rotated sideways, duct taped together at the base, plus a Bluetooth chip to make it a set of wireless speakers. If the A2+ was really that awesome, then will it make the B2 automatically just as awesome, or will it be the right hardware with the wrong application, like reading a novel in math class? We took one in to find out.
 Audioengine B2 Bluetooth Speaker Review @ APH Networks