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AssaultCube is an exhilarating multiplayer, first-person shooter based on the CUBE engine. AssaultCube Reloaded also available.

AssaultCube is an exhilarating multiplayer, first-person shooter based on the CUBE engine. AssaultCube Reloaded also available.

It takes place in realistic environments, with fast arcade gameplay. The main focus of AssaultCube is multiplayer online gaming there is a single-player mode consisting of computer-controlled bots.

AssaultCube gameplay retains a movement bug from the original Cube engine that allows players to utilize "straferunning" to move at a faster speed. This was intentionally unfixed by the developers because it was considered an enjoyable feature of Cube, similar to bunny hopping in Quake.

Another feature of the game is the potential for using the recoil of the weapons (which pushes one backward) to reach and perform moves that were previously impossible. This was also included intentionally, allowing players to achieve faster movement and jump higher. This feature was inherited from Cube, though it was absent in the original release of AssaultCube. All the available weapons are fictional and fill the basic niches of a modern first-person shooter: the assault rifle, sub-machine gun, sniper rifle, carbine, shotgun, pistol, and knife.

With efficient bandwidth usage, it's low-latency can even run over a 56 Kbps connection. It's tiny too, weighing in at a lightweight about 50 MB package available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. With the correct settings in place, it can even run on old hardware (Pentium III and above).
