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Stand-Bye! is a configurable tool that allows you to control standby functions.

Stand-Bye! is a configurable tool that allows you to control standby functions.

Take control of your machine by determining when it goes into standby mode when sitting idle, this can be useful when doing a presentation or watching a movie. Stand-Bye! provides you with several different features that you can set up in line with your specific needs.

Stand-Bye! Features:

Arbitrary wait
Set the waiting time before the power save mode is engaged
Presentation Mode
Allows you to prevent standby mode from disrupting a presentation - the presentation mode uses Ctrl + Alt + P (on and off) key combination
Adjustable limits
Set the values that fit your configuration with a color-coded​ system for easy reference
Process Exception
Specify processes that you do not want to interrupt​ your current session by adding them as exceptions
Audio detection
Stand-Bye will recognize PC audio and then prevent sleep mode
