Xbox 360 Xtreme Hack Firmware

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if you are going to post warez related news then at least make it up to date news.
lmfao... you honestly believe people would go to ALL The effort to take apart their xbox360 just to allow them to play backups? in that case you sir, are thick as pig s**t and utterly naive. either that or you're just looking for the old warez/anti warez arguement. yes it came out a few days ago, but i thought this was an up to date news site, at least posting todays news.. to be honest this site has been going downhill for months now, with pretty much no news been posted at weekends and news being posted that can be anything up to a few months old. stupid.
People with children would probably take it apart with a smile if it meant being able to back up those 60$ discs. What kids do to optical media is not natural.