Windows XP Patch 811493 Causes System Slowdown Workaround

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But if one HAS installed this 811493 patch are you saying NOT to uninstall it? I have already uninstalled it from my system and see no apparent problem.
No - i meant if you have it installed get rid if it. Do a file search and look up the version number for the files in question and apply the 330909 patch if necessary.

Files are located in Windows / System directory.

I have not installed 330909 patch as it wasnt on Windows Update (nor I have 1gb of RAM). The 811493 was on it and I did install it. Are you saying it'll slowdown my system or will it just disable the auto protect virus scanning?
Well that is what our site is for - information. Just kidding.

Q811493 will not necessarily slow down your system. However the files provided with the patch (see screenshot) are actually older than the ones that come with Q330909 that was released back in February.

According to the MS newsgroup the slow downs might occur with certain Antivirus Software. So you can get full performance plus another bug fixed with Q330909.

Someone at MS must have been asleep when they released Q811493 with older files.

Update from me: For the past few days (I think after installing the mentioned patch) I was getting some weird slowdowns like clicking on Start and the system would just hang for a few sec, same with some proggies and other windows stuff. I uninstalled the 811493 patch and everything is fine again.
Since Q330909 contains the same (but newer) files as Q811493, shouldn't I be able to just install Q330909 on my system without uninstall Q811493 and solve the slowdown problem?