Windows XP Driver Updates!

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I "think" they deal with Creative cdrom drives. not postive on this but i kinda remeber something about that..
You must have a fast internet connection. Unfortunatly on my 56k one, 2 MB would take about 20 mins to get. So for example the 3.8 could take me 40 mins to get!!!

Wish I had your speed Rancho


ure 56k sux then a nomral 56k conn can download up to 7k a sec and normal hanges around 6.2kbs all in all its about 1 hour even for a 20meg download on a 56k modem, id reccomend u get a NEW ISP or somthin as they are not providing u with 56k service
Theoretically, yes 56k modems can achieve 7kb/s but that is unrealistic as most only achieve 6kb/s maximum due to the quality of phone lines and other conditions etc. If you are achieving as high as 7kb/s or more then it's more likely you are downloading uncompressed files.
There are also driver updates for intel 800x based systems. they're dated 12/10/01 version they seem to be a WHQL cert. version of the storage driver included with the beta 2.0 of the intel app accelerator
Wow! I went to windowsupdate and downloaded the newest Creative Media Driver and found that it's a wdm driver for the Blaster AudioPC series. It updated my SoundBlaster 64V... hurray. PS: The latest version weights ~14Mb