Unreal Tournament II Alpha News Leakage!?

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Man Ive had that ALPHA version for over 6 months now. It is going to be an AWSOME game. Cant wait.
is it the same old e3 version?
This is an alpha version of Unreal Tournament 2, not the alpha of Unreal 2 which we had news posts on half a year ago.
Yea. Sure is. At least the one I have is. Unless there is a newer version making the rounds.
This is the Unreal TOURNAMENT II Alpha not that Unreal II Alpha! Guess you did not read careful enough...
the leak one was UNREAL II, this one is UNREAL TOURNAMENT II. 2 different ones dumbass
? It sounds like there gonna release UT 2 Alpha test or something... you should word it better since your getting peoples hopes up for no reason. Would be nice if UT2 alpha was leaked but its not gonna happen...
you're a dick. I bet you think you're pretty fuckin smart, huh. ignorant asshole
The file they are talking about is the Unreal2 alpha that has been out forever.... I saw some of the screenshot over at the page so nothing new.
Isn't it called Unreal WARFARE? Not as easily mixed up as Unreal 2 and Unreal Tournament 2