I think you might want to rephrase "... trying to obtain illegal and expensive hardware." I didnt know RAM was illegal :/

A bunch of tossers at tweak news, I am ashamed to be an aussie after reading that crap. This was basically posted because somebody here wants everybody to see he got an email from corsair. Big whoopee, the queen of England wrote to me once and asked me to go down on her but do you see me bragging about it? Corsair should be reprimanded and the article writer should be disowned by Australians and have his keyboard removed. tosser he he My opinion :)

I all of a sudden got really pissed of about your article especially about the section where you posted Todd's address. He did wrong but you F****d up. I have some interesting news, Typical wanker father whom thinks that "I" do no wrong just read your article at my request. He is having his secretary call Todd and offer him legal advise for free. Typical wanker father thinks you broke the law big time and thanked me for the Pro rata case that will further endorse his career as an Internet Lawyer. Cheers Now I am looking for your address :)