The House of the Dead III - PC Demo

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Dont waste your time.......downloading this is a waste of bandwidth and hd space.......this game only made me try to think of new ways to say "what a piece of crap"
...I will guiltily admit that I had fun playing thru it one boring night, it felt like playing an arcade game but with better graphics. VERY uncerebral, you just click your mouse on things to shoot 'em....but fun in it's own weird way. :)
I will admit the demo is too short (only the Prologue). If you had played stage 1 and up, you would definitely feel different about the game itself. (i.e. fight the boss, different routes, mini-skill challenge and etc.) On the other hand, the demo gives you a chance to see how it works on your system. Remember to tweak up the video settings; the default is set at very low level for compatibility reason.
"Light-Gun" style video games has been around for a long time for a reason ... well, maybe it is just a matter of taste for some people.
WOW that was the shortest demo Ive ever played... Come on sega you gotta give me more than that, all you did was piss me off. The game is okay, zombie animations aint that great, everthing else is fine.