Starforce Driver for Windows Vista

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"Beta Testers who want to play StarForce protected games under Microsoft Windows Vista Beta" This is funny, right now nobody wants to play any game that incorporates StarForce. Why do you think Ubi is dropping starForce from all of its future games?
Funniest thing I've read in a while. I wouldn't give those SF mofo's the right time of day let alone test out SF for them. Rot in hell SF.
Shhh! It wouldnt surprise me if SF also has connections to the russian mafia and sicks those on you if you say anything against them.
I really do hope that all these driver-level copy protections will be replaced by something more sane in Vista, but I doubt that will happen. I don't want to let any program interfere with any non-user-level areas in my Vista system except "real" drivers for real hardware.