Shadow Ops -- 64-bit Gaming Revolution?

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...and I hate to admit it but I've been enjoying the hell out of it. There's nothing really special about the game, it's just a straight linear run-n-gun....but it's a pretty decent one. The textures are nice, the eye-candy is good, it runs smooth and quickly...pretty fun. :) (Ok, I might just be a little biased because of the main characters name. My last name is Hayden and it's kind of cool that they're always yelling, "C'mon Hayden, get it moving!" and such. ;) )
LOL this article is a joke right ??? 4/1 ??? they do really want to tell me that the stonewall ropund the tree is ONLY available on 64bit ??? LMAO come on AMD ... you really must lol yourselfe right ??? come on and give some serious 64 apps instead of such BS ... to fake some fools ... AND LOL weaponflash ... how stupid u think we are the screenshot show totaly differen scenes ... on the 1st the guy uses trigger and on the other he doesn't YES 64 bit is of such an advantage here OMG continue like this AMD and i get intel next since the prices do really get the same
damn I hate this crap. They are just trying to sell more 64 bit processors that nobody needs. Obviously these effects can be ran on a 32 bit processor just fine.. bastards.
nope 64 bit is useless at the moment. It will become usefull once Longhorn comes out and people start programming for 64 bit. Speed gains are minimal at the moment.