SafeDisc Windows XP Fix for Microsoft Games

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I dont buy any games anymore that use safedisc, starforce, etc. Best fix!
Im not talking about some simple cd check system or autheticy method. I am talking about starforce and all the other newer ones that wont even work with newer standards, so youre screwed if you get a new bus and can throw away all your games. Do you guys actualy know starforce? I dont think so judged by your opinion. There are still enough good games that dont use such shit, because the smart publishers know its useless and only hurts their sales. Look at all the tech support forums what kind of problems these "safety" programs bring up. I wanted to buy splinter cell 3, now that I know the newest version of starforce is implemented and saw all those posts by people who cant play their legally bought game because of some security shit, while pirates laugh their asses off... Yeah right... At least I still have my principles and am not some blind fanboy who NEEDS to have everything new.
As I said, you dont know what Starforce is. Wait a few months (and buy more new games) and we can talk again.