Opera 6.01 Link Wrong!

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btw, 6.01 isn't working right! just check www.vidomi.com and see for yourself! :-( tom
it's build 1039, have tested 6 builds the last 6 weeks, this link above is from opera direct and it's working like a charm... but i have not mail that this is the final release... and what is www.vidomi.com ??? what shall i look ??? Vivienne
it's build 1039, have tested 6 builds the last 6 weeks, this link above is from opera direct and it's working like a charm... but i have not mail that this is the final release... and what is www.vidomi.com ??? what shall i look ??? Vivienne
opera 6.01 freezes everytime i try to open this page! tom
managed to get flashget running on 8 jets with recurring number of retrys [connection states only maximum of 2 allowed by host]