Online Penition to stop the release of doom3

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Tat person is propably serious. my guess is that it's a "holyer than thou" american.
Ah Crap Man i was just about to cut this Goat Head off and drink it's blood.Now my day has been ruined. Oh well off to EB i go.Do you think they will take a trade in on a Well used goat and some left over Bilble thumpers. Better yet i think i might stand in front of Id and hold up some Watchtower Mags.
This reminds me of the person that started the petition to stop the release of Lord of the Rings 2 - because "The Two Towers" was "obviously" a reference to 9/11, and in extremely poor taste, even though it was named 50 years ago....
I signed it ;) I said "Ban it!"
Anyone remember that Christian FpS Game? We should ban that game cause it offends me and my Goat heads. Oh ya update on that Eb trade in.The guy at the store said the goat was to used up and they have no use for Bilble thumpers,has something to do with them being into little children. And Id asked me to replace the Watchtower mag With a Nasa Parts Catalog and updated info about "Johns Doomsday Rocket".
oops Spelling Check "Bible". NaTaS
Why even post this dribble WP2S ? , it is as lame as reading a bible.
Let me see whats worse, the lame attemt at humor with that petition. Its clearly a joke. The even lamer answers here by the morons of inter space or the fact it was even posted on Wp2S