No Newer Nvidia Detonator 27.42 Drivers!

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Are these any better performance wise or do they fix a few bugs?
Blah! Some people should learn how to appropriately check driver builds. There is nothing different from these to the old release, just besides the date. The OGL as So called Hilbert says is newer is not. Same Build number. Who cares if the dates are newer. It just means Nvidia recompiled the 27.42 versions again. No biggie. If there as any changes involved they would of gave it another number. It's ridiculous to think Nvidia would keep the same number with new additions on the same build. "These aren't any newer then the previous 27.42" In fact I would be a little leary of these. "They come directly from Nvidia?" Then why does he state at the end, "Thanks for the person who emailed us these binaries". Man.. He can't even get his lies straight. Lame attempt at more page hits.
Doesnt the official drivers from nvidia come with there innstaller.....exe fashion??? And was wondering if these are the 27.42 drivers with the refreshrate fix added.If not then do i need the refresh rate fix. Im keeping my version 27.42 with the refresh patch........not these.
the Refresh Rate Fick don't work with Win.NET 3590 and GF3 + 27.42 Well, a bit. OpenGL stays at 60Hz DirectX go up to 75Hz BUT with 27.30 both are 100Hz with "Refresh Rate Fix"
Maybe Nvidia recompiled them using different options/optimizations??
WHQL, I hope not that they pass... they're the only 27.xx + drivers that crash my computer, I'm sticking with 27.20 (from gainward + "nvshell.dll" from another 27.20 release)
Yeah, 27.42 is the first that really sucks. Havn't had a problem bevore this.
Yeah, 27.42 is the first that really sucks. Havn't had a problem bevore this.
Yeah, 27.42 is the first that really sucks. Havn't had a problem bevore this.
Detonator 27.30 ownz all... ; )