New Anti Optimizations Patch For 3DMark03

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nVidia! For some weird reason after this patch a test system's score went down about 900 points while ATi's score went down 8/10th of a point.... :lol: :rofl:
Haha! someone has become the self-appointed "Judge, Jury and Executioner" on video driver optimizations. Why we do need approval from Futuremark? It does not make any games, nor is it the creator of DirectX or OpenGL. And they don't make drivers for video card, either. Why would anyone want to conform with 3dmark standard? Out ant out b.s.
If a certain company hadn't decided to throw a whole load of ridiculous 'optimisations' for 3DMark into their drivers (and continue to do so, then FutureMark wouldn't have needed to take this approach. They're just trying to protect their product, pure and simple.
They just made 3dm2k3 so that the new drivers can't use application detection on it, that's all...blame nVidia for trying to short-cut the benchmark! :lol:
Can you play 3DMark03? Is that a RPG or FPS game? Protect their product? the NVidia driver breaks it, so no one can play it. It is more like you don't like my compiler and driver optimizations (Futuremark being the Judge, Jury and Executioner), and you are sentenced to a lower score.
What is wrong with NVidia driver/compiler optimizating for NVidia hardware? Who makes futuremark the Judge, Jury and Executioner? The standard in question means less than nothing in real-life gaming situations. Many games are optimized to use NVidia's proprietary features like UltraShadow. Many 3D applications have NVidia plug-ins to optimize performance and stuff. What is Futuremark's contribution? You get a higher score 3Dmark, yet all your games and application programs suffer from driver bugs here, there and everywhere. The score doesn't do you any good ...
3dm2k3 is a BENCHMARK. It's used to compare two different pieces of hardware RUNNING THE EXACT SAME WORKLOAD. nVidia has a very bad habit of cheating at this benchmark by cleverly reducing their cards workload by adding application specific optimizations which do absolutely nothing other than to artificially inflate their 3dm2k3 score. Capiche?
To be spouting the nonsense you are. :roll: NO games benefit from nVidia's application detection of 3dm2k3, the only thing that benefits are nVidia's scores & sales as it misrepresents it's product. 3dm2k3 has rules. nVidia can either follow them or they can choose not to, but FutureMark also has the right to MAKE nVidia follow 'em. :)
So what would you say if a game developer released a patch that forces nvidia to render its game exactly as they want (as opposed to how nvidia want). Would that be wrong ? Futuremark have every right to do whatever they want with their product. 3DMark is quite pure in DX terms, it doesnt favour anyone, just the DX standard, its nvida that is making this a farce. Blame them !!
Customers may not make purchasing decisions based on 3DMark, but major OEMs do.... If it wasn't important to nVidia's business, why do you think they would invest so much time and money in cheating?
The NVIDIA apologists are coming!! The NVIDIA apologists are coming!!