Liveware 3.0 for ALL VERSION OF WINDOWS!

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Any reason why I would want to download and install the LiveWare! 3.0 package?
Well, first of all this is not the official release of Liveware 3.0. If you download it and install it you will fine out something. If you have a Livedrive with Remote you will be in for a littel surprise. They will not work!!! Creative is having compatiblity problems with the drivers and software. It will not work under Windows XP. They have to rewrite the code first. So in my mind you will be wasting your time. You see I have a SBlive 5.1 Platinum. It came with a Livedrive and Remote. I would realy want my full functioning Sound Card. It was a little bit expensive. It would be a shame to just look at my Livedrive and Remote and tell everybody, I just have a couple pieces of decoations for my PC!!! belto... only costs 3 euros.
No, this shit has BEEN out and has 2.20 of a lot of shit with just the new drivers.