Is the PlayStation 3 losing development support?

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Suggest buying all 3 consoles? LOL! I have a better idea, I won't buy a single damn one. I have a better gaming system, and its called a PC.
Yep,I will, ones that you can also download mods for, for free. Like UT2004, Call of Duty, Half-Life, Quake, all of them. Yea, once your done with a console game, take it out and put it away. I've played free mods, like They Hunger, Todesangst, Poke646 for Half-Life. Operation NaPali and Spatial Fear for UT, lots of full game mods for PC games that ads to the value of them. And best of all I can still play the same games on my PC that I played back in 1998. Consoles are schwag. Give me a mouse and keyboard over a gaYme pad any day.
Problem is, for me at least, is that I don't like those kinds of games though. I prefer FPS, TPS and sim games like Mechwarrior and flight sims.
exclusive game titles are important; At least I don't want Super Mario brothers playing on M#cro$ft's box. We don't hear about console game developers yapping, but it has been fine all these 20 to 25 years with NES, Genesis, Playstation, so on and so forth. And I checked out joystiq's link to that ONE, SINGLE Japanese news article. That site specializes in tabloid style journalism. It is not meant to be taken seriously, more like information-entertainment or infotainment.
I always forgot most important thing ... the article does not say anything about programming. It talks about the risiing cost of development in today's hardware platform that makes great headaches for the software developing companies. It uses some not-so-serious comparison with the console wars to the political parties in a general election and stuff.
non online rpg? rpg's on consoles blow :P i got my NWN and baldurs gate.. and w lot other in that genre. and forthcomming is NWN2 and Dragon Age. fighting games never really got me though. except for Street fighter 2 back in the days on my amiga.