GetRight 5.2.0 Final

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I 've been using GetRight for a while now, it is generally an excellent download manager with all the features you could ever need. I've done gigs of download with it and only recelntly had one corrupted download (but I was downloading from 3 split sources at once). However there are a few little problems, 1. Doesn't handle downloads that are linked to via other web pages (PHP) very well in most cases. 2. The FileMirrors site that it uses to find mirrors seems very slow in getting updated with the latest releases, can take a week before mirrors show up for a recently released demos. 3. Doesn't work with FireFox PR 1.0/.10 whatever (Yet, until they update the DownloadWith extension).
It's very easy to update the DownloadWith extension yourself to get it to install in FireFox 1.0PR. Just open the .xpi file in winzip and edit the following line in install.rdf file: <em:maxVersion>0.9+</em:maxVersion> and change it to <em:maxVersion>0.10+</em:maxVersion> Add the install.rdf back into the .xpi file and then drag the xpi file into Firefox and install it