Gainward Geforce FX 5900 Ultra 256mb Golden Sample

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well that isnt so strange. I had a gf4 4600ti golden sample, when they first came out and it was faulty out of the box. Then i had a replacement that went wrong after 2 days. This time i was really disappointed. The supplier also said that the "new batch" that the second card came from all had to go back and i would have to wait for a new batch to come in. The 2 cards were definately from different batches cos the first one had a slightly different colour than the second one also it had different badges and that. So in the end i had to drive up to the supplier and swop it for a leadtek a250td. This card was 30 quid cheaper and worked a lot better and overclocked loads. (golden sample???... more like GOLDEN SHOWER p.s. i thought all golden samples were induvidually tested and had the best components. What crap