Fox News Toolbar 4.5.124

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Jesus christ Voluntary torture?
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the Bush White House picked someone from Fox News to become the press secretary. Or that when Dick Cheney was in deeper trouble than usual with the press, he chose to field a few softballs on Fox while not appearing on any other news channel. If people want to hear the conservative side of things, Fox is there for them. And there's nothing wrong with that, but please don't try to pass them off as a more legitimate source of news than others.
Stephen Colbert put it best; Fox News gives you both sides of the story - The Presidents side & the vice-presidents. John Gibson last week did a story on the San Francisco mayor who had an affair but no-one really cared. There was more footage & commentary in that segment of Bill Clinton's affair than of the mayor. Surprised anyone?