Forceware 66.81 WHQL

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Please stop making it sound like they RELEASEd it to the public. It's still 61.77 on there web site FFS. 66.81 is Beta.
I've been using 66.81 since 2nd October. NewsFactory, what is different about these 66.81 you have linked to? What you have posted is not news at all ! As asked by the others, please use a different approach to posting reports, and only report newsworthy items in a trustworthy manner.
Stop complaining!! What is wrong with you?? Follow the link and see what it says! I leads to Nvidias "nZone" and the date says 19 october. That´s yesterday! And they are realesed to public as BETA drivers. There is US and International versions avaible. If you don´t like W2S, then don´t come here..
"Nvidia have released a new set of Forceware Drivers" Unless nVidia releases them on their site I don't think they should really be called "officially released". I won't wristslap ya for it hard though since everyone else just seemed to monkey-pile on ya. (Sheesh, give poor NF a break! He does good a lot more than he goofs up! )
All we ask is that mister NewsFACTory actually checks the FACTs first. Oh yes, :ROLL:
Oh yes they are new. They are now WHQL certified and also the English only version is 4mb larger in size (dunno about international). So what have they padded it out with, Spam?
I agree with the majority here. This has been the 3rd or 4th time now in the last few months that I came here and saw the news here first and thought "wow, FINALLY a new official driver from them" only to be utterly disapointed. Youre only destroying your credibility with such shit... I already learned from it and will never take it serious again from you until I checked it on other sources. Oh and btw, same thing happens with other "news" too.