ForceWare 61.32

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And if our wondering if they are any good i'll save you the trouble. After searching several forums, including guru3d half the people say they are great, half say they are a POS, so as always if it ain't broke, dont fix it. Of course if all you care about are benchmarks, go ahead, knock yourself out!. And NVidia continue to create as many problems as they solve with every release. One thing that did seem apparent, any benefits may only come if u have 6800 and/or DirectX9.0c.
Uh, :) Beta drivers or not, that doesn't excuse the NVidia developers from breaking something that was previously fixed. i.e. UT2004 rainbow textures are back, or Far Cry sucks again... This happens every time, even with Official releases, I almost wonder if they are doing it on purpose for some strange reason.