Firefox Back and Forward Now Blazingly Fast

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With this new feature, the rendered page is kept in memory, which makes Back and Forward performance much faster (almost instantaneous). Meaning, it will hog even more memory than before.
Wow, who cares. You should have at least 512mb by now. ;)
Who gives a damn how much memory a browser uses? How often do you web browse while playing games?? If 30mb is a major worry for you, then you have other problems besides web browsers...
I have 1024MB of memory. What bugs me is that even if FF uses like 150MB of memory and I close all windows and tabs except for one, it _still_ uses that 150MB. I guess it's just memory cache but shouldn't FF scale down its memory usage along with the number of open pages?
The latest nightly doesn't load the pictures on some sites.
Right now I am really thinking about switching to Opera. I tried it before and didnt like it, but I would risk it again. Version I tried was 5.0 or so anyway. I notice more and more bugs in FireFox, and serious ones too. Theres the update bug that sometimes disables downloads and the popup blocker completely. Then downloads sometimes get canceled after 3kb or so if you download 10 or so files quickly after another. Some plugins dont work with FF on some websites. Screwed up display of websites, which worked before. Etc etc. Im waiting for the next version. If that doesnt fix those bugs (which have been there since release) Im gonna try Opera. Starting speed of FireFox could be better too. It takes sometimes up to 6 secs on my Raptors.