Firefox 1.6 Alpha 1

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more everything, including price. But, it is not used more than Firefox.
I got opera legally free on it's 10th birthday. still preffer FF tho.
I prefer my Timex, thank you very much. I have more important things to use my money for. And I have tried Opera, the browser is okay, but I prefer Firefox's AdBlock extension far better than anything available for Opera. But I found the email client within Opera insufferable.
Please see also my reply to main Post below. This News is simply misleading, current Test-Versions that came out after 1.5 Beta1 are internally labeled as 1.4 (just like Beta1), and that will stay so until they will lead to final 1.5. The Version in this News is the (currently parallel) devellopment of a future Firefox 2.0 (still far, far away), thus currently labeled 1.6 As you surely understand now, they are definitely not meant for End-Users but only for "internal" Testing of Things to come in distant future...