FireFox 1.0 RC

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odd, i'm using .93, and its working, they may update it though for the RC 1.0 release. i rarely upgrade to the latest and greatest firefox for the simple fact, i dont like waiting for plugins to catch up:)
Odd, link is dead now, and I see no 1.0RC listed on their ftp site
Nevermind, I located it, the link points to a different direction
excelent tip ! thanks!
The link is dead, though it obviously worked at some point. I tried browsing their ftp manually, and there is no 0.10rc directory (latest is 0.93). If someone could give me a working link, or even send me their downloaded copy if the link has simply vanished, I'd be eternally grateful. AJC
that adress bar in popups that normally have no adress bar is great ...