E3 2003 Rogue Squadron 3 Trailer & Screenshots

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i would rather download the trailer, then stream it. any chance of mirrors?
oh yay... gamecube...
why has the rouge series, turned consoleish anyway? Rouge Squadren I was deved primarly as a PC game (i know it was for n64 too, but lucasarts was partnering slightly with 3dfx, and even including the voodoo II in some of its ads), but II was cube only and III looks to be the same. And when the heck is LucasArts gonna release another xwing/tiefighter game..... I'm sorry to break it to all you, but none of the rouge series is even near the class to be called a sim. Its all arcade play.
damn just noticed the gc logo. poo i thought this was for pc.....wtf happened??