Download Windows XP SP2 Build 2082 full - 360MB @ OnlyNewz

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is this the last build before the OFFICIAL release? i dont wanna install this unless its the official, so anyone know when thats out?
Is the Official Windows XP SP 2?
Is this the Official Windows XP SP 2 install? Because the news is not clear about it.
I was just about to download it too, thanks for sparing me the time. :)
it's more stable than 2055, and the spool service using 100% cpu is fixed when u have a epson printer, and images have new icons and theres the new security centre...
...and ask you if this is worth downloading and trying if the most recent XP update I've done is SP1?
Thanks Jollemi, I'll hold off and wait then. I still suck too much at XP to be playing around with unstable betas. (I feel like SUCH a newb! :roll: )