Doom3 gone GOLD

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I wonder if ID has gotten any bettre in the plots department.. its not usually their strong side :P
I had a GF4 Ti 4400 (8GB/s) & now i have a 9800Pro (>23GB/s @ 740Mhz), & i can say that the nvidia's openGL driver is much better. So, sorry guys, but openGL is nvidia's territory.
C'mon El Coyote, this is DOOM we're talking about! Heck, even if it sucks it's probably gonna be least on SOME level. :D I'm happy, this is good. We started up a betting pool thread over at EB for when it's going to leak onto the P2P networks. :)
I know they've been working on re-writing their openGL module from scratch, I kind of expect that the whole reason they were doing so was in anticipation of this particular title and I expect to see it out soon. ;)
Odd, you would think the PR department would be going crazy hyping a release for it then.