Doom III co-op mode goes online with Xbox Live

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From ---------------------------- Interestingly, the co-operative mode - one of the most enjoyable aspects of the original Doom games - will not be appearing in the flagship PC version of the game in development at Id Software. This really sucks ! I can't believe it ! No Halo coop on PC version, no DooM III coop on PC version, .... Halo PC has a lot of multiplayer modes, but it lacks coop mode. (coop mode is the best of Halo Xbox) What happens with coop play on PC ? Last game with coop mode, that i remeber, was Serious Sam & It was really funny ! If i want to frag online, i play UT, Quake III, .... but what happens when i want to play coop games on LAN with friends ? Don't you want to explore DooM III worlds with your friends ? The coop game experience is more inmersive, i think. I discovered coop mode 1st time in DooM I with a serial cable on 1994 with my loved DX2/66, & now, looks like there aren't games with coop mode. Arghhhh ....
whatever ! give me coop for the PC, what about mods/newmaps? Coop needs to be in the game for PC and with it in Console, well it looks like it will
I agree, but, why coop only on xbox ?
*At the id software offices* Knock-Knock... 'Who's there?' - Answers John Carmack 'Oh, it's just Bill Gates, I was in the neighborhood and decided to drop by. You guys might of heard of me before, I run that little company called Microsoft? Don't remark on my style of haircut please - I assure you I am exceedingly wealthy. Well you see, the boys and I at Microsoft heard you guys are working on Doom III, and we see fit that this game would be the perfect killer app for our Xbox console. And we would inquire - no, we DEMAND that it have a COOP element upon shipping. And just to see that we get ours, well I have a little suprise for you.' *Bill shouts at the Microsoft grunts sitting in the id parking lot* 'Are you guys ready?' 'Sure are boss' *Carmack takes a peek outside of his window, at to his suprise he notices there are 20 dump trucks filled to the brim with money* *Carmack suddenly faints* 'My work here is done' - Says Bill. *Having partially come in to consciousness, John Carmack can partially make out seeing Bill Gates salute a picture of Hitler he had with him on his laptop. Bill is then seen riding into the sunset, having been sure he just won another victory for his evil empire.*