Doom: A Movie Review

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After seeing the film this afternoon. It's... well... it's... I saw The Rock on The Daily Show Show last night, laughably stating that "every" monster from the game was in it. They aren't; best I could tell there about 4 or 5 types (Zombies, Hell Knight, Imp, Pinky). As you'd probably expect much of the action falls into the typical monster movie type action, a quick glimpse, few bursts of shooting at shadows, repeat several times. The much hyped FPS sequence is the only point at which you see multiple monsters (dispatched easily enough for the most part), up to that point the soldiers don't really do all that much - a few zombie kills & a monkey, plenty of shooting at where monsters were moments before though. The plot, like the game(s), threadbare. A lot like the Resident Evil film it seems (Never seen it though) - genetic experiments on Mars go wrong, people turned to monsters, monsters kill people, army team sent in to research & rescue/destroy/retrieve company files. Nothing to write home about. Yup - the monsters aren't from hell, they're people turned by bad genes. Acting's standard fare I guess, nothing great, no particularly memorable characters bar the guy who makes all the "sick" jokes (I laughed anyway). So, you know, rent it or something if you must, you might hasve a few fun moments though.
No point comparing game adaptions with "real" films. You'd have better luck when considering is it better or worse than any of the other game adaptions. Besides, revolutionary though they originally were, was Doom 3 really any good? If there's a lack of plot, character development, etc. in the movie then it's not really any different to the games now, is it? ;) Doom is pretty much exactly what you'd expect to get given the source material; dull/genre characters, minimum plot, minimum lighting of monsters, occasional graphical flare (FPS sequence in this cases, heh).