Doom 3 Demo

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So now everyone else can experience the repetitive snorse fest that is Doom 3. Good so long as you don't have to reload a level, at which point you begin to see how completely undynamic it is.
is there a benchmark function in this demo?
haha how very very true...
Funny how so many people bash it, even tho the most of them here didnt even pay for it.
Actually, I did pay for it. Regardless, the bashers are right for the most part.
A decade ago that was acceptable. 10 years later its not. Besides, whereas old Doom had numerous enemies on screen at once, Doom 3 throws only 2 or 3 at you at most, much of the time. Anytime there's more than that it's usually because they are some crap enemy like the spiders or flying babies. Beyond that you get everything teleporting into at the same exact point, every single time, triggered by the same thing every single time. It's a horrificly dated game which gets critical praise as the words John Carmack & iD Software can be attached to any sentence regarding it. Just stupid. As I said before, Doom 3 is only decent if you aren't made replay a level. & what about the BS on the box?! "Killer AI". What AI?
I paid for, And finished it. It's very repetitive and has no replay value whatsoever. It was fun and scary for about 30 minutes but loses it's "this is fun" value soon after.
Then why do you whine about it? You 1337 guys played through it in 2 days, so bring it back and get your money back.
i found the game boring, but not till about 1/4 the way through the third time (i was advancing difficulty with each play) i gave up on nightmare level.. not because it was too hard, because it was too repetative. that being said.. i liked the game, i think they coulda done more levels in Hell, that was awesome. but the end boss was WAY too easy to beat. i cant wait for a company to use the engine in different games, that should be very cool. didnt bother with multiplayer though, as i hate games with ultra dark maps. its just that way with ID games (and unreal games too), most of their stuff are tech demo's to me, i dont consider the engines they put out as games, untill their licensed to someone else to make games with.
You believe I have no right to dislike a game because I bought it?! That's some screwed up thinking for sure. I'm moaning because it's a dated game, with absolutely nothing dynamic about it. Doom 3 is all hype & no substance.
Far Cry, "great" example. Get from point A to B, to do this do you A. Walk, B. Swim, C. Steal vehicle, D. Steal boat, E. Use glider. After selecting 1 of these from what's available, how you get to that point is still a relatively open affair. How long do you want to use a vehicle for? Chance to swimming after a while perhaps? Doom 3 conversely is as follows - Follow corridor. Comparing Far Crys linearity with Doom 3 is just nuts.
No I didnt say that. I said you should simply STFU and deal with it that you expected more from it than even id claimed.