Doom 3 benchmarking

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Not sure what system he has, but I pull average 55fps @ 1024 res with hih settings. 9800xt 256mb
I have an Athlon XP 3200+, 1gig of ram and a 5800 Ultra and running the demo I get 31.9 fps in game doing the old timedemo demo1... Let me stress this though I have my settings at 1024x768 32bit and 144hz refresh rate (Locked in the registry for all games) and I played the demo and game with the EXTREME or whatever they call the highest setting and give all kinds of warnings about when setting everything that high... I have no stutter, skip or lag of any kind while playing - and what I can't understand is who cares if you get 200-600 fps it doesn't matter - the eye can only see 30 fps anything lower then of course starts to lag or slow down. Full motion video is 30fps so what does it matter if you have over that, 30 is just right for any game and unless you have some super human powers you can't really notice faster fps anyway... It's just a number and means absolutely nothing for game play if you have over that 30... My point is if you stay above 30 then you will play any game perfectly fine and never notice anything wrong and it will be smooth the lag only comes once you drop below that...
"the eye can only see 30 fps anything lower then of course starts to lag or slow down." Please dont say this because it is just wrong. Tests have been done :) For quick "proof", set your monitor on the lowest refresh possible. You will clearly see the flicker, even at around 60hz. Movies are different because the image stays "imprinted" on our eyes. So one frame blends into the next and doesnt seem jumpy. Run doom 3 on Medium, not Ultra. I cannot tell the difference in quality, but I CAN tell the difference in smoothness from gaining 15fps.
30fps might be alright, IF it were constant. But we are talking an average of 30 fps.. at points it can drop to say 15 or 20fps. Then jump to 60, which averages out. A lot of people are having this problem, opening a door in doom will drop their fps for a second or so.
hi, i reckon the textures dont look quite finished, but i think its because id have had to make this game possible on an xbox, similar situation with halo and thief3. The game is still good but it could have been a lot better if it was a sole pc game with only the pc in mind.