Detonator 27.42 With Refresh Rate Fix For W2K/XP!

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What is this refresh rate fix!? I'm running win XP and I've never had a problem/missdetection of refresh rates. Only when you use the 'Default' driver rather than the 'plug and play' driver do you get the wrong readings. (I'm using the manufacturers .inf file and it works great!)
i dont know why but it didnt work for me... , i hope there will be a new version of refresh rate fix that support 27.42 in the near future .^=.=^.
the Fix don't work with Win.NET 3590 and GF3 Well, a bit. OpenGL stays at 60Hz DirectX go up to 75Hz BUT with 27.30 both are 100Hz with "Refresh Rate Fick"
Dosn't work for me either, refresh is still at 60hz in d3d games, and running NVRefreshFix still dosnt work.
yeah... i can't seem to get it to work either. and says there won't be a new refresh rate fix out for a while. :-/ any other suggestions guys?