Breed Single-Player Demo v1.0

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I don't get the derision of the first poster, I liked this demo. It seems like a Halo wanna-be, but it looks good and plays great for me....I can take that difference just fine. :) It looked good, it ran only ***** would be it doesn't let you skip cutscenes, but other than I liked it.
You can't say "bitch" on w2s? What a bummer! :(
hehehe, great post :) I agree, the demo is sooooo weak, heck, it's even weaker than the previous 'beta demo release' of breed! And there they were saying they were tweaking gameplay after numerous customer comments concerning gameplay! Muahahahaha, even the bad-guys look tame in comparison to some of the meatier baddies in Halo [and i reckon Halo was barely 'survivable']. A new definition of gaming hell is Breed PS. the general with the throat cancer was oh so stolen off Warhammer 40,000, and even then, his model is low-poly/-res and he doesn't make you wanna pick up a gun and smash it into the breeds mechanoid faces! If you're gonna make a general, make him an aspiring model, someone you want to be when you're grown up!!!
Installs links to, has TWIMPBP all over it, plays like cr*p, look ok, AVOID this POS.