ATI Omega Catalyst 3.0 Drivers all OS's

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FINALLY! I've been sort of bummed all day because I didn't get any computer related presents...and the O-man like an Angel out-o-paradise drops this down me chimney! ;) Thanks, Happy New Year to ya too!
Er, uhm, well.....bite me. I DO praise the O-man's drivers every time he puts 'em out, that's because I know that the only repayment the man gets for his efforts are gratitude...and I'll gladly give that since I'm grateful. As for me viddy card preference, you are correct on that one..I prefer nVidia. I do have a GF3 in me TUSL2-C with the a 1.4Ghz tuly @ 1.75 and a GF2 MX400 in me son's P3B-F with 1 Ghz celery @ 1.13Ghz, but in me wife's CUSL2-C with the PIII800@944 I have an 8500 that'll do 290/320 after me penny-mods on it. (I'd hunt up the link for ya, but you really seem like to much of an arsehole to waste that much effort on. It's either over at or, search for "penny mod" and you'll find it.) And me wife's computer is the one that I do most of me web-cruising/tv/dvd/workish stuff on and I swear by Omegadrive's drivers on her 'cause THEY WORK! Right after install, they are ready to go. No need to open up regedit and adjust the "IDCRegOptionDontUseOSMonitorInfo", no need to use Hztool to force the refresh, it all JUST WORKS! So you're almost in the ballpark of "right" on one of your statements...but only almost. The rest sounds like prepubescent frustrations working themselves out on a hardware news forum. (BTW-Where did you get the "According to NVNews forums, you have an NVIDIA card" bit? If you've seen me post in their forums at all you must have noticed I got 3 rigs listed in me signature? It's up to four now, I haven't updated me nVnews sig yet with the Pink Princess.) Oh, and not only can you smell can spit it out pretty freely. :p