ATI cheating with Anistropic Filtering?

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I don't care how old it is... (takes note how quiet DW suddenly has become)
So sorry for the silence, I've been busy in that pesky "real-life" thing all week-end and just noticed that thread a few minutes ago and sat down and read it. It sounds like someone does have some 'plaining to do, I await an explanation before I pass a judgement. Good enough for you for now? ;)
And me son's birthday coming up next weekend so I'll probably miss out on a lot then too. :)
So what? Do we beat PowerVR over the head with a stick for taking out images we can't see with tile based rendering?
Just hoping for impartial judgement, unlike all the late behavior.
I'm biased as f-ck and I don't think that will ever change. :) However, I do try and fairly report all I learn about the industry without bias or at least with as little bias as I can. I'm big into the whole honesty thing, I found out decades ago how much bloody easier it is to live being honest than trying to keep all my lies straight and have stayed pretty straight since then.
No, I was talking about lying in my past back when I was a kid....not anytime recent like. I'd love to say it's been years since I've lied, but I got kids who still believe in Santa so I do occasionally rationalize a few away. I never lie on the boards, ever. It would be too damned hard to keep them straight on all the boards I post to and I just don't like it as a general rule. As long as I speak what I think as honestly as I can, I figure I'll never screw meself up. I guess I just don't lie out of convenience. No, I won't shed any tears if'n it turns out that ATi is cheating nor will I get all bonkers pissed either....I can't quite honestly tell you what I'd do because I haven't quite crossed that bridge yet. We can find out together, mebbe it'll be fun. ;)
Yup, whatever is gonna happen it sure ain't gonna be boring and no matter what I'm gonna keep calling 'em as I see 'em. "Fun" should be an understatement! ;)