ACDSee 7 Build 47 Update

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i use version 3.1, i found the versions after that to be rather bloated.
4 & 5 were a bit poo, 6 & 7 have been ace, just don't install most of the crap, esp all the online crap. disable/dont install the camera plugins you don't use. if possible move your database location to a different partition.
My UI is dark grey-silver. Any way to change it? Btw, version 7 is quite nice actually and really fast again.
say this is nice, glad i gave it a try on your prompting, Yakumo. Veky: from the thumbnail/browser pain go up to to Tools, then Options, choose Browser, look at the drop down box below Browser Display Scheme.
Every version after 1.0 that I've tried is slow as balls
Not sure if I tried that one or not...
I agree that versions after 2.4 were a bit slower, but they were fast enough for me that the new features were worth it. However, this build 47 of 7.0 is INCREDIBLY fast. Fastest version yet... 43 was about the same as 6.x, but holy crap, 47 kicks its ass on my system!