Anyone like "Beef Jerky ?"

Amazingly simple. . . . . Amazingly Delicious. . . . . . . . My own custom recipe, Since I refuse to pay more for worse tasting jerky from the store. Ingredients: 2lbs.

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516 Posts
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Joined 2002-06-25
Amazingly simple..... Amazingly Delicious..... .. .

My own custom recipe, Since I refuse to pay more for worse tasting jerky from the store.


2lbs. -- Texas/London Broil Beef (Boneless.)
2/3cup -- Brown Sugar
1cup -- Kikkoman Soy Sauce
1/2cup -- Worcestershire Sauce
1Tbsp. -- Onion Powder
1/2Tbsp. -- Garlic Powder
1Tbsp. -- Cayenne pepper sauce (Louisiana Hot Sauce)
1Tbsp. -- A-1 Sauce
1 -- small bottle "Liquid Smoke" (4oz., sold in the salad dressing isle.)
1ea. -- Lime/Lemon "squeezed"
1cup -- Water

1. Large bowl combine all ingredients except meat, Stir well let sit 10 min then stir again.
2. Now take the slabs of meat cut them all in 3 sections. so youll end up with like 9 little steaks.
3. Now turn on there side and cut down the middle, making them between 1/4-1/2in. thick slabs.
4. Put all this meat (without fat) into the bowl with all the ing. and let sit 1 hr. (Stirring mix after 30min.)
5. Take meat out of bowl and place on your oven racks of your oven. (Pepper now if desired.)
6. Put oven on Bake 155-210F(155F being Optimal) let the beef sit in oven at this temp for 7hrs.
7. Take each piece of meat on the racks and flip them over.
8. Depending on thickness of meat youll need another 4-7hrs. of time in the oven.

FYI: For HOT jerky, 3Tbsp. Cayenne pepper sauce total, Instead of sprinkled pepper sprinkle crushed red pepper.

--Enjoy !

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516 Posts
Location -
Joined 2002-06-25
I Updated the recipe..... :)