UT 2003 Troopers Interview

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HomeLanFed.com have posted an interview with a few of the team of UT2003 Troopers! Here's a snip. The Troopers idea came about as I first started mapping for the mod community. I wanted to combine my love of the Star Wars films with my love for mapping and gaming. I was never happy with the games that were based in the Star Wars universe; while they were great games, I thought they lacked the distinctive "Star Wars" feel. After I got into team-oriented play and clan-based gaming, I figured, "Well, why not make a game based on the grunts of the Star Wars universe? A game that combines the awesome atmosphere of Star Wars with the exhilerating fun of team combat?" The project has since then blossomed to fruition after what has been quite a struggle.

UT 2003 Troopers Interview