'The Way It's Meant To Be Played' vs 'Get In The Game'

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HomeLAN Fed has published an interview with Patricia Mikula, ATI public relations manager for desktop and workstation products. Talk is about developer relationships and ATI's recognition on the market. HomeLAN - Nvidia has their "The Way It's Meant to Be Played" program that we have seen in games like UT2003. Does ATI have any similar marketing plans in the works to woo gamers to use their products? Patricia Mikula - ATI has a program called Get in The Game. It is a co-marketing program where we work with game developers and publishers to cross-market our products. This can include bundling agreements, advertising campaigns, positioning of logos on boxes etc. However, this program is completely separate from our engineering efforts with game developers and publishers. Whether or not we have a marketing agreement for a specific title, we will work with the game developers to make sure that our hardware and their game work together to deliver the best gaming experience possible.